Created by renowned art director, fashion designer and Oscar-winning artist Tim Yip (winner for Best Art Direction for the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), this delicate, bespoke fan was inspired by the beauty of Spring. With fine white stems crowned by a leafy bloom, it epitomizes the essence of Mandarin Oriental, Wangfujing – exceptional luxury blossoming in the heart of China’s capital. Packaged in a beautifully crafted wooden gift box.
- Exclusively Designed for Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing by Tim Yip
- Replica of custom Wangfujing fan design with light green tassel
- Printed paper fan blades
- Bamboo frame
- Wooden gift box
- 21 cm blade span
- 25.5 cm long x 5 cm wide x 3.8 cm deep box